ASL Therapy in Cypress, TX
ASL Counseling in Cypress, TX
You would love to find someone you can communicate with easily. No interpreter. No 3rd party in the room. You don't want to risk your business being shared in the community. You really need to talk to someone. Learn new ways to handle these struggles you're experiencing. You want someone who understands your language, your culture, your struggles to fit in to a hearing world. We can help.
Maybe you've searched for a therapist who is fluent in American Sign language. A therapist who works with Deaf and Hard of hearing individuals. You can't find any in your area or the one or two you do find have no openings. Maybe you found one but they only do virtual sessions and you need face to face.
We Can Help
Melissa Hoot, LPC-A, and certified Amercian Sign Language interpreter can help. Melissa is fluent in ASL, not merely letters and basic sign. No longer will you have to exhaust yourself with time consuming translations, or explanations on your culture. She gets it and is here to help you with your mental health.
Click here to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation for ASL therapy in Cypress. Our other specialties include anxiety therapy, children & adolescents, trauma, ADHD/ADD & behavior concerns, couples, counselor supervision, and neurofeedback therapy.