Children & Adolescent Counseling in Cypress, TX
Children & Adolescent Counseling in Cypress, TX
Parenting is beginning to become harder than normal. You’re unsure if there is a problem or not but something has changed. Temper tantrums, mood swings, and/or the silent treatment is now a daily occurrence. Phone calls from the school are becoming more frequent and you’re running out of things to try. We get it, and help is here!
You’ve spoken to the teachers, the coaches, your family, and your friends but nothing is working. You may be asking yourself is this normal for their age, is there something I could’ve done differently, why can’t I seem to get through to them. They were raised better. Or maybe you’ve taken away everything, you asked all the right questions, you’ve even tried giving them their space and still nothing. You just want your sweet, kind, funny, smart kid back.
We Can Help
Click here to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation for children and adolescent counseling in Cypress. Our other specialties include anxiety, trauma, ADHD/ADD & behavior concerns, couples, ASL therapy, counselor supervision, and neurofeedback therapy.